【英語スラング解説】big talker

big talkerは「大口をたたく人」「大げさな物言いをする人」の意味

「big talker」は、自分の能力、業績、計画などを、しばしば大げさに、あるいは壮大に自慢したり、自信たっぷりに話したりする人を指す慣用句です。

big talkerの意味と使い方

big talkerの意味

big talkerは「大口をたたく人」「大げさな物言いをする人」の意味です。

big talkerを使った例文

She’s always been a big talker, claiming she could run a marathon perfectly, but she never even started training for it.

he’s just a big talker. He promised to finish the project on time, but nothing has been done so far.

He’s just a big talker trying to impress people with his stories.

Despite his reputation as a big talker, he managed to surprise everyone by actually fulfilling his ambitious promises this time.


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